SIOE 2016 — Dan Kelly

Post by Dan Kelly


The Society for Institutional and Organizational Economics (SIOE) (formerly, the International Society for New Institutional Economics (ISNIE)) is hosting its 20th Annual Conference this week, June 15-17, at Sciences Po in Paris, France.  The conference website includes details on this year’s program and links to abstracts and papers.

Highlights of SIOE 2016 include keynote addresses by Philippe Aghion (College de France and London School of Economics) on “The Social Mobility of Inventors” and Alberto Alesina (Harvard University) on “Social Mobility and Preferences for Redistribution,” as well as the Presidential Address by Henry Smith (Harvard Law School).  Henry currently serves as President of SIOE, in addition to being one of the editors-in-chief of New Private Law Blog.  (Other NPL contributors with papers at SIOE include Golden, Hylton, and Kelly.)

Below, I highlight several panels and papers that may be of interest (especially to legal scholars) in private law areas from contracts, corporate law, equity and equitable remedies, innovation and IP, private ordering (cooperation, private associations, and reputation), property, and torts.


-Sessions on:

“Contract Theory”

“Empirical Contract Theory”

“Finance and Relational Contracts”

“Long-Term Relationships Between Organizations”

“Contracting with Other-Regarding Preferences”


On the Surprising Use of Unenforceable Clauses in Consumer Contracts: Evidence from the Residential Rental Market

Meirav Furth-Matzkin (Harvard University)


Corporate Law

 Delaware’s Profits

Minor Myers (Brooklyn Law School)

Equity-Based Governance Structures: Private Constitutions for Private Orders

Claude Ménard (Centre d’économie de la Sorbonne)

Emmanuel Raynaud (INRA SADAPT)

The Private Ordering Solution to Multiforum Shareholder Litigation

Roberta Romano (Yale Law School)

Sarath Sanga (University of California, Berkeley Law School)

Corporate Governance Regulation Through Non-Prosecution

Jennifer Arlen (New York University School of Law)

Marcel Kahan (New York University School of Law)

Taking a Financial Position in Your Opponent in Litigation

Albert H. Choi (University of Virginia School of Law)

Kathryn E. Spier (Harvard Law School)

Defensive Tactics and Optimal Search: A Simulation Approach

Ronald J. Gilson (Columbia University)

Alan Schwartz (Yale University)


Equity and Equitable Remedies

The System of Equitable Remedies

Samuel Bray (UCLA)

Remedies for Breach of Fiduciary Duties: An Economic Analysis of Trusts

Daniel B. Kelly (University of Notre Dame)

Fusing the Equitable Function in Private Law

Henry E. Smith (Harvard Law School)


Innovation and Intellectual Property

A Theory of Sequential Innovation

Christopher Buccafusco (Cardozo Law School)

Stefan Bechtold (ETH Zurich)

Christopher Sprigman (NYU Law School)

Designing an Inventive Contribution System

Michael Abramowicz (George Washington University)

The Patent Troll: Benign Middleman or Stick-Up Artist?

David S. Abrams (University of Pennsylvania)

Ufuk Akcigit (University of Chicago)

Gokhan Oz (University of Pennsylvania)

Are We Running Out of Trademarks? Evidence of Trademark Depletion at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

Barton Beebe (New York University School of Law)

Jeanne Fromer (New York University School of Law)

“Troll” Check? A Proposal for Administrative Review of Patent Litigation

Lauren H. Cohen (Harvard Business School)

John M. Golden (University of Texas School of Law)

Umit Gurun (University of Texas at Dallas School of Management)

Scott Duke Kominers (Harvard Society of Fellows)

Data Regulation and Its Effect on Business Models & Corporate Organization in the New Economy

Geoffrey A. Manne (International Center for Law & Economics)

When Settlements Increase Competition: Reverse Payment Settlements and Market Entry

Benjamin G. Ogden (Texas A&M University/ULB)

Keith N. Hylton (Boston University School of Law)

Constructed Preferences, Consumer Welfare, and Antitrust Law

Avishalom Tor (Notre Dame Law School)

Private Ordering (including cooperation, private associations, and reputation)

When Civil Society Uses an Iron Fist: The Role of Private Associations in Social Control

Robert C. Ellickson (Yale Law School)

An Autopsy of Cooperation: Diamond Dealers and the Limits of Trust-Based Exchange

Barak Richman (Duke University)

The Case for Tipping and Unrestricted Tip-Pooling: Promoting Intrafirm Cooperation

Samuel Estreicher (New York University School of Law)

Jonathan Nash (Emory University School of Law)

The Problem of Reputation

Emily Kadens (Northwestern University)


Panel Discussion on “Public and Private Order in Historical and Comparative Perspective”

Benito Arruñada (Pompeu Fabra University)

Lisa Bernstein (University of Chicago)  

Emily Kadens (Northwestern University)  

Scott Masten (University of Michigan)



Economic Analysis of Property Rights: First Possession of Water in the American West

Bryan Leonard (Arizona State University)

Gary Libecap (UCSB and NBER)

Growth Under the Shadow of Expropriation: The Economic Impacts of Eminent Domain

Daniel L. Chen (The Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse/TSE)

Susan Yeh (George Mason University School of Law)

Private and Public Ordering in Property

Benito Arruñada (Pompeu Fabra University)

Is Rule of Law an Equilibrium Without Private Ordering?  

Gillian K. Hadfield (University of Southern California)  

Barry R. Weingast (Stanford University)

The Economics of Sequential Exchange

Benito Arruñada (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

Giorgio Zanarone (CUNEF)

Nuno Garoupa (Texas A&M University)

Being Bourgeois. The Emergence of Private Property in the Lab

Marco Fabbri (University of Rotterdam)

Matteo Rizzolli (LUMSA University)



Causation Actually

Shahar Dillbary (Alabama University)

Should Failure to Defend Imply Forfeiture of Coverage Defenses?

Tom Baker (University of Pennsylvania)  

Ezra Friedman (Northwestern University)

Kyle Logue (University of Michigan)


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